Tuesday, February 28, 2012

29 Faces -- 28 Days -- Angel Texture with Computer Paint

This was a canvas on which I put a lot of apoxie clay for texture. In real life it has too much random texture and I never was happy with the way it turned out. Last night I used "Paint" on my computer to add color to make it pop a little. I like it a little better but the face has been changed and changed again on the actual canvas so I just gave up with that part. Anybody know how I can get rid of the spackling compound, I really hate it and can't work around it in it's present state? This is just a virtual face--doesn't really exist in real life.


  1. Hi Caryn, I'm your newest follower. Thanks for following on my blog. It sounds like you are doing a face a day for a month. That's a pretty good goal and something to think about.
    Coleen, an American in Ukraine

    1. Thanks for visiting Coleen. Just left your site and enjoyed your latest video!

  2. Hey, Caryn! Thanks for all the support and sweet comments my faces! I'm finally making the rounds today - what eye candy! I've enjoyed looking at all your creations. It was a fun challenge and I got to make new friends like you!
